Airbus collaborates with technology companies to drive innovation
The Client
Airbus a European multinational aerospace corporation. The company’s primary business is the design and manufacturing of commercial aircraft but it also has separate defence and space and helicopter divisions.
The Objective
Airbus wants to partner with startups and technology companies to increase their internal innovation. They believe the best way to learn to be an entrepreneur is to spend time with entrepreneurs.
The Solution
Leveraging our connection to the startup ecosystem, our team provides Airbus with insights into startup and technology companies that match their business objectives. Outcomes include detailed analysis of identified companies, recommendations for best-suited potential partners, as well as strategic in-person partnership meetings.
The Outcome
Working with our team has helped Airbus change their culture and has also encouraged Airbus to look outside of the aeronautics industry for innovation and inspiration.
“For decades, we only worked with aeronautics specialists and suppliers in a very conservative way and now we look at what’s happening outside our natural boundaries in other industries - this is probably the major impact.”